As we move towards a fast-paced future, Saito wholeheartedly embraces a commitment to fostering academic excellence, empowering graduates with the highest-quality education for their future employability.

Message from the Vice Chancellor

At Saito University College, we have your future in mind. In fact, that is what we have been doing since our inception in 1988 and the Covid-19 pandemic has hastened the effort to go beyond the future. Our faculty have always been keeping abreast with changes and developments, planning the future, all for the benefits of our students who look forward to brighter future. We always strive to provide awesome student experience and constantly finding ways to look

Into new skills, experience and knowledge as an important factor to being future-focused.

A future-focused university may not know what the future lies but having a mindset that focuses on future helps you make the right decisions. Our global pathway and global classroom initiatives have enabled students to learn from experts at the comfort of their room. We have expanded our classrooms beyond the four walls making sure learning is fulfilling and yet fun. Our learning mode is agile. From face to face classrooms, we have gone on online mode and we are now in the hybrid mode to suit the new normal.

We create opportunities for students to be mobile and continue their studies by providing various modes of study and options to choose from. It can range from Open and Distance Learning to hybrid, face to face, Saito University College is ready to face the new normal. We envision that business and industry will recognise the integrated and diverse skill-sets of a Saito graduate not only with knowledge but the work integrated and practice skills that enable them to transition seamlessly into the workplace.

The graduate must stand out in his/her ability to stretch and excel in diverse situations and be resilient in the new economy – they must be recognised for skills that are harder to replicate via automation. This is our focus.

Professor Dr. Vinitha Guptan
Vice Chancellor